Beginner's Guide to a New Diet

The “If It Fits Your Macros” is a great diet if you want accountability and flexibility.


By Tesa Johns


Have you been hearing people talk about their macros and eating whatever they want as long as it fits within their numbers? Well it's the new diet and has become a hit! People who have started the “If It Fits Your Macros” (IIFYM) appreciate the combination of accountability and flexibility the diet offers. Argus is the perfect tool to help you complete this diet.

If you have been curious about the IIFYM diet or want to learn more, this beginner’s guide will teach you the basics and give you tips on how to integrate it into your life.

Macros refer to the three primary macronutrients: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The selling point and chief principle of the IIFYM diet is that you can eat whatever you want and still attain fitness goals as long as you stay inside your macronutrient “allowance.”

You get an allowance in grams for fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and how you spend the allowance is up to you. If you spend the allowance eating cookies, instead of oatmeal, that completely up to you. If you eat fried chicken instead of salmon and brown rice, that's allowed, too. Anything goes, as long as it fits into your macros.

This may totally go against everything you have ever learned or taught yourself about nutrition, but remember not all nutrition is one-size-fits-all. A calorie isn't just a calorie, and food quality does matter. This diet may just serve to help those you can't always eat healthy food. It's helpful to explore different options and find what fits for you and your goals.

If you’re new to the diet, here are a few simple tips:

Set your calories

First, establish your target calorie intake, based on your current weight, age, height, sex, activity level, and goals. You can do this via the Argus app. The main page shows a “Start Your Calorie” option, and you can simply input your information.

Set your Macros

Next, you will want to determine how you’re going to divide up the calories into the three macronutrients. You can also use the Argus app to edit your nutrition goals and track your calorie intake. Argus automatically sets your goals at 55% carbs, 25% protein, and 20% fat. You can adjust these percentages to your liking and the app will translate the percentages into grams for each macronutrient.

Plan and Track your Diet

As mentioned before, you can input your calories into the nutrition option on Argus. Argus will total up how many grams of carbs, fats, and protein you’ve eaten. With this tracking, you have a better idea of what you can and can't eat within your goal numbers. Entering your meals as you go allows for subsequent food choices based on remaining allowed numbers. This can get tricky if you spend all your calories before dinner! Try your hardest to stay within your numbers even if it leaves you at dinner with only 5 grams of carbs, 15 grams of fat, and 60 grams of protein. This may lead to some strange dinners!

If you’re worried about using up all your macros, try planning your day. Success really depends on what works for you. It takes practice to learn good nutrition and to determine your macros. Here are a few more tips!

High in carbs, low in protein: fruits and vegetables

High in carbs, low in fat: pasta, rice, cereal, bread, legumes, fruits, vegetables

High in fat, low in carbs: nuts, seeds, olive oil, cheese

High in fat, low in protein: avocado, olive oil, coconut milk

High in protein, low in carbs: eggs, meat, fish

High in protein, low in fat: nonfat Greek yogurt, cottage or cream cheese, turkey or chicken breast, lean ground beef, whey protein powder.

Make Success a Habit

If you’ve gotten through the steps above, you’re through the hardest part! With time, the diet and your nutrition goals will become habit. Planning and executing become easier.

Most people doing IIFYM quickly discover that they feel much better when they spend most of their macros on fruits, vegetables, nuts, healthy fats, legumes, whole grains, lean protein and other wholesome foods, which tend to be more filling as well as more nutritious. That, plus the flexibility to indulge when you want to (as long as it fits your macros) is, for many Argus users, a winning proposition.

Tesa is new to blogging, but hopes to make a big impact with her vast knowledge of athletics and experience. Tesa recently earned her bachelor's degree at the Pennsylvania State University. While majoring in Athletic Training and minoring in psychology, she worked with various division one collegiate sports teams. Tesa is continuing her education by pursuing her Master's of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration in sports pedagogy at The Louisiana State University. Tesa is a board certified Athletic Trainer and a Performance Enhancement Specialist. Outside of the training room, Tesa enjoys going on runs and working out for leisure.

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